Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Good and Bad of Global Warming

There are good things and bad things when it comes to the debate on Global Warming.

First the bad:

Al Gore, Sheryl Crow and other alarmist. They make the issue divisive because of their alarmist rhetoric. I think they want the "little people" to live in a tree house and use one sheet of toilet paper whil they live in mansions and drive around in private jets. They actually make a mockery of an important issue.

The good:

I think it's good that attention was brought to the subject I just wish it wasn't in such an alarming divisive way. The truth is it's not as alarming as some make it out to be and it is not a non issue like some claim and that's mostly due to the divisive nature of Gore and companies rhetoric on the subject.

I think America has to lead in this area as other countries began to develop and they began to reach a point where we were 50 or 60 years ago. We have to switch from an industrial based society to a service-entrepreneurial based society. Anyone who promises you those manufacturing jobs back is lying. Run away from them as fast as you can. The truth is, it's best to retrain in a service oriented field or start your own business.

We need to began to give automakers tax breaks if they produce a certain percentage of hybrid cars or electric cars. We can also give breaks to the consumers who buy these cars and gas stations that began to work with newer technologies.

In the meantime we need to build new refineries and drill in Anwar. I think it's crazy how the democrats say we are in Iraq for oil but it's more important for them to protect the Caribou then it is to become less dependent on foreign oil and save American lives. Just more hypocrisy from the left.

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